Welcome to BlendedLearningNow!
BlendedLearningNow is an aggregator of the leading blogs, news, research, case studies and videos about blended learning.
BlendedLearningNow seeks to provide educators, philanthropists, civic leaders, and education reformers with the information they need to make sense of this rapidly emerging field.
We also provide a platform for those seeking online education opportunities.
What is Blended Learning
Blended learning was started as an education method that combined traditional classroom study with online learning. As you can imagine, Blended learning is rapidly evolving.
As a matter of fact, we are finding that the typical ratio of classroom time to online time has made dramatic strides towards the online portion and we believe that it is only a matter of time until almost all of the learning is online.
According to the University of Central Florida and their Blended Learning Tool Kit, Blended Learning is defined as having 30% – 70% of the curriculum online.
What are the Benefits of Blended Learning
As education evolves into an online curriculum, students are empowered with the flexibility to learn at their own pace and at their own schedules.
According to the U.S. Department of Education’s “Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies” Students perform better while learning online than they do in traditional classroom education.
This would lead us to the conclusion that we should continue to move towards online education and away from traditional means of learning.
This can be particularly advantageous to adults seeking an online education.
The online education opportunities available today are endless.
BlendedLearningNow strives to seek out those opportunities and provide our readers with the confidence to know that the online courses we recommend are, in fact worth their while and provide value for their dollar.
BlendedLearningNow believes that the trend toward online education will continue, especially for adults looking to learn new skills.
We look forward to bringing you the best online education opportunities that are available today in your chosen field.
Check back often as we will continually update our database of online education opportunites and stay abreast of the Blended Learning topics and issues facing educators and students in this ever changing environment.